Our Cats




Pumaridge Dahlia (Dolly) of Krypto

Torbie Seal point with blue eyes. She was born October 2021. Here parents are Milayamoya Ranger of PumaRidge and PumaRidge Saving Grace.

Dolly loves snuggled and attention from all people, she’s my sweet girl. She loves to sleep on top of me, join me in the shower, and play fetch. She is very mild-mannered and has a “small” meow.

Depending on her pairing she can have: colorpoints, tabbies, and silvers.

Pumaridge Yoshi of Krypto

Yoshi was born April 2024.

Yoshi is very snuggly and purrs at every touch, eye contact, and if you speak near her. She absolutely is a love bug. She loves to floof like the Halloween cat, jump scare me, and then sprint through the house. So silly! I call her my parkour cat, she likes to literally bounce off the walls.

Depending on her pairing she can have: colorpoints, tabbies, and blacks.

Krypto Jubilee

Jubilee was born on September, 18th 2024.

Born of the camping litter, Dolly is Jubilee’s momma. She is sweet and loves her lap time.

Depending on her pairing she can have: colorpoints, reds, tabbies, and torbies.